dimarts, 16 de maig del 2017


                                                                       12 Surtsipots
Alt Empordà
Castelló d'Empúries 17486
9th May 2017

President Mariano Rajoy
Complejo de La Moncloa
Avda. Puerta de Hierro s/n 
28071 Madrid

Dear Mr. Mariano Rajoy, 

I am writting to complain about how "Franquisme" is still present in our society. Something that crushed the human rights of each citizien, they forbid the right of democratic participation, freedom of speech nationally among others. 

The problem is that the soul of this regime is alive in Spain and you, don't do anything to abolish it. Every year at november 22 there are people celebrating that they give support to the dictatorship.

I find unacceptable that in Spain there is the biggest mausolem dedictaed to a dictator. There were too many peolple who suffered with that regime. 

There are too many things to change in Spain, but first of all we have to progess and outpace that period that ruined what Spain had won during the republic. 

Yours sincerely, 


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