diumenge, 27 de novembre del 2016

The exploding cigar plot to kill the death cuban revolucionary is really known but there are 637 unknowing attacks, and Fidel Catrio survieved all of them it's the natural death what have finished with his life, but what did he do to avoid his death before? 
The CIA worked during years to kill the dictator, as Fidel castro ex guardian said. 
He was a wll knowing of all of this attacks and he said: "If surviving assassination attempts were an Olympic event, I would win the gold medal."
At the moment of President Kennedy death, who worked to vanquish Fidel Castro, a Cia poperative was apparently handing a poision needle to a Cuban agent. 
Also the Us Sentade revealed derails of eight plots on Castro's, they wanted to strain the imagination.
Also one of his ex-lovers had the mission of kill him but she coludn't go throuhgt with him. 
There were also plots to make Castro, also known as "The Beard", an object of ridicule rather than kill him.
One was to sprinkle thallium salt on Castro's shoes during as overseas trip in the hope that his famous beard would fall out. But it was foiled when Castro cancelled the visit. 
This is a really little summerize of the Fidel Casto's death plots, for that he never new where would he sleep every night, he taked all the precautions. 

I think that you have really much the power and the policy to accept that you life is always dangerous also in your house. I can't have friends, you can't love because everyone of them could be an enemic who only wants to kill you, you have to be an obsesed to accept that. 


divendres, 25 de novembre del 2016

Syria war: Army makes rapid gains in rebel-held east Aleppo

Syrian government forces have been making rapid advances into eastern Aleppo, forcing thousands of civilians to flee. They want to divide the rebel-held east of the city to dived the forces. Some peole are trying to escape, and some pepole want to remain in easter aleppo. 

There are a seven-year-old girl who is explaining her story on twitter, how she life the war, on Sunday she said that her house has been bombed.

It's difficulte describe exactly how are the events happenning, but the BBC describes exactly: 

  •  Government forces have pushed into Sakhour neighbourhood, coming within just 500m of creating a corridor through the rebel-held territory
  • Reuters news agency says government troops have taken the district of Holok, while the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights says they have also taken Baadeen
  • Meanwhile, Kurdish-led forces have reportedly taken the Bustan al-Basha neighbourhood, allowing some 2,500 civilians to flee north
The article finish with tho opinion of the BBC's reporter in Siria. 
Map of areas rebel-held and government controlled areas in Aleppo
Personal opinion.
If  have chosen this new it's not for the article, not to know how is the war progressin int territorial terms. If I choose this new it's to talk about what I think the perosnal terms. In my point of view, we have to open the door to the refugees, they are human like us, so they have the same right of us to became happy and have a good life quality and a good eductaion. I think that our society have the bad thinking that all of them are terrorist but, obiously this is not true, I'm sure that all of them have something to do in our society and I?m sure that the majority of them they want to be here to stay forever here, they want to go back to his country, to his home. If someday Spain suffer a war I'd like that the countries will open us they doors. So why we don't do it?

diumenge, 13 de novembre del 2016

Second batxillerat first term it’s finishing, and it’s time to evalue it. I only can say that it’s being the most difficult term that I’ve never have studied because there are too much work, and all the teachers say that it’s normal, we are doing second of batxillerat, they are preapring us to go to the universtity. But at university there aren’t homework, you only do exams and time to time some work, at the university you are independent and this year they only control us, like first eso boys. I understand that they have to be strict  with us, but I prefer a difficult exam insted of do works and things that don’t count to the finally mark.

dissabte, 12 de novembre del 2016

My last travel 
I love travel, know new cities, new cultures, new traditions, I love our world.  Every year if I can I travel once.
This last summer I went to Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, these two countries never had been my first options, but nowadays I can say that this travel have been one of my favourite places that I have visited.  
First day we arrived from Barcelona in Zagreb and, we booked a car to go to Sarajevo, we spend in there one night; It was a surprise for me that the 80% of Bosnians are Muslims, and who Bosnian it's affected for the war that they suffered from 1991 to 1995. The next morning we went to Mostar, and we also spent one night in there. The third day we went to Split, my favourite city of the travel and one of the  most amazing cities that I have visited, the city center is a roman house and it’s like to be in Roma center but in Croacia, we slept in Split four nights because we toke ferries and visited neightbour islands. 
The sixth day we went to visit Plitsvice a nationak park, an enormous national park, we stayed in there all the morning, and at the afternoon we taked our car and started the last shift of our travel, we started the shift to Zagreb. We arrived in Zagreb at the night an we stayed in there the two last nights. We taked the plane to Barcelona in Zagtreb airport.

dijous, 10 de novembre del 2016

Republican new president Donald Trump victory, in the USA presidential elections, will have implications for the whole global economy.
The latin country could be one of the most affected countries from Donald Trump.
During his meetings he had said that if he cannot renegotiate Nafta he will pull out of the free the North American Free Trad Agreement signed by the husband of Hillary Clinton, his rival in USA elections.
Also he said he would send back to home illegal immigrants living and working in America.
That will suppose a really hard impact in Mexican economy.
New USA’s president has been really clear about his attitude to China. He said that he will consider imposing a 45% tariff on chines imports.
There would be a risk that aggressive US trade policy could suppose a marked slowdown in China’s growth and loss of manufactories jobs.
Europe excluding Britain
The main risk to Europe it’s going to be political rather than economic.
Next year on Germany, France and Netherlands there are elections. And the right political parties are taking to much power.
Trump’s victory will be reflected to European banks.
A broker reacts as President-elect Donald Trump appears on a television screen at the stock market in Frankfurt, Germany.Trump’s protectionist measures will affect Britain also, the second biggest exporter of services in the world.
In the short term, Trump’s win helps take the pressure off the pround.
After that policy there are to way, on is a promising from Beijing to increase direct investment into the USA.
And the other way there is an aggressive and nationalistic attitude from China.
The rest of Asia
Obama created a plan between Trans-pacific countries as a way of keeping countries such as Japan, Brunei, Singapore and Malaysia out of Bejing’s orbit.
But with the new president this plan is shivering, this will result as a slowly growth of Asia exports.
Personal opinion
I haven’t understood yet how can be possible that Donald Trump will be the next president of USA.

He will be the president of one of the most powerful countries in the world; he will be one of the most influent people in the world, and also what he thinks. He is going to return to the past when the most radical political parties are considered the best options.

dimarts, 1 de novembre del 2016

Our society is not a humorous society. We always considered laughter as a secundary thing. But for me laughs has to be a must, an essencial. We have always heared that our objective in life is being happy but can we be happy without laughing, without humor? The answer is no. We can be rich, we can be in love but anyone can be happy without laugh.
I’ve never understood why if someone laughs in a public silent place, that person is viewed as rude if he doesn’t keep himself grounded. And that it’s because society imposes that. We have to change when we wnat to laught to become approved.
Humour has to be accepted because it makes us happy but also helps us to stay emocionally healthy and also mental Health. As well as laughter is strong medicine for mind and body.
Also, we always think that laughing with others is more powerful than laughing alone, but in my opinion that it isn’t true, the really important thing is laugh, and also sometimes it’s funny to start laughing in a place you alone for something that happened before that moment, the best laughters are the laughters which no one understands.

To sum up if our objective is being happy there isn’t any way to get it what dosen’t include laughing. Humor is the base of our hapiness and we always have to confort the things with laughter because in my view it’s the most powerful weapon to confort our fears.