diumenge, 29 de gener del 2017

Scenario: Hawaii. Three women introducing each other and explaining where they come from...
Characters: Naisha, Maria, Aylena, coach.

Coach: Aloha! Welcom to Hawaii, I’m John and I’ll be your coach during the next two months. You’ll live together, would be nice if you know something else about you. So who begins?


Naisha: Okay I’m start! My name is Naisha and in indian means special, as you can imagine I’m from India and I live in Delhi.
Maria: Hola! My name is Maria and I’m from Olot, Catalunya not Spain please. And I don’t knom my name’s meaning, but I think it’s for virgin Mary.
Aylena: привет! I'm Aylena and I'm from Russian, my name means loto flower and that it's 
why I have this tattoo.
 I have to say that it's amazing how hot is Hawaii compared to Russia.
Coach: Come on girls! Something else...
Maria: Well..I'm studing performance arts and I'm here to improve my english because if 
in the future I need to go out from Catalunya to work, America it's my favourite destination. I have to tell you that every day I need to recited Shakespeare perform.
Naisha: Well...I'm teacher. I love travel and I decide to do a gap year and travel around 
the world.
Aylena: I'm studying to be a doctor and I come to Hawaii to improve my english.
Coach: Now that you have known your house matters here start your adventure enjoy a lot.


This Christmas I went to London, because my cousin is living there and we came to London to make her a surprise. She already knew that my aunt came to London but she should never wait for us in the same hotel we wait for she like one hour and when she saw us she cried. I can say that was revenge because she had done the same to my sister and me a month ago when she came to high school exit by surprise and when my sister and thought that she went to the train station to picked up my aunt and Claudia appeared.
I have explained why we went to London, now it’s time to speak about the travel what we done in these five-six days in London.
The first day we arrived on London at afternoon so we couldn’t do too much but my cousin took us to a Christmas market that once that it’s amazing and there is some strange products, winter products that artificial snow or a hat that at the same time is a scarf, this market is Winter Wonderland and is on Hyde Park.
The second day we went to visit different places of London not the typical, Clàudia took us to some places that maybe if you are a tourist you don’t visit, in special a park that you have to climb a little mountain, and we you are in the top you can see perfectly the London skyline.
The third day, 28 of December, we made a guide tour because my cousin worked and I have to say that we travel we usually don’t use guide tours because my father said that obviously they show you a little part of the city and the superficial and we are that people that always enter where they can’t, but even so I have to say that I learned things that maybe alone I wouldn’t have known. At the afternoon we went to London Bridge because I wanted to see it illuminated.
Next day we went to visit the part of the Buckingham Palace and the Royal’s Guard at on afternoon we went to Hamleys and Harrods two of the most important shops in London on Hamleys that is a toys shop we spend on there one hour and half.
The fourth day we went to shop on oxford street during the morning and on the afternoon we went to vist Notting hill because is where my cousin lives and because we wanted too saw the house of my favourite movie finally we went to abbey road and I don’t know who because there was too much traffic but we made the same photo that The Beatles done.

And the last day of the year, 31 of December,   we went back to home for the night party. I loved London and I can’t wait to go back on April.


Cèlia is one of my best friends, I know her for 14 years since we start primary school. During the first years we were only class matters but later we started to be inseparable, specially when we started the high school. 
We are really different and there are too much people who asks how we can be best friends, but I think that maybe being so different is the reason of our specially friendship we complete each other. 
She seems really seriously but when you are her friend you know how funny she is, we spend a lot of time together and sometimes we are like sisters I know that I can trust in Cèlia and I know that we will be friend forever, because I can't imagine my life without her, she is a really important part.
We lived a lot of adventures together, some travels, some strange situations, parties and sometimes we had to gave support to the other in bad moment. But I think that together we are stronger and happiest, and he have  to live together to much moments yet, like live together next year.
I love so much, and as I have said I need her in my live.

 Do you know how to ride escalator?

This stairs are in all the cities and all the citizen one day or another find them in their life, but sometimes there are factors that makes much difficult this experience and for that occasions this article demands to New York The Etiquette School of New York, to make some basics rules of escalator etiquette.
These rules have to be satisfactory for all the types of escalators riders that rules are really similar with the sidewalk etiquette.
The top tips for a smooth ride are:
  • *      Where to stand. Always stand on the right side, leaving room for others to pass you on your left side.
  • *      Where to walk. When walking up or down the escalator, pass other passengers in their left side.


This new doesn’t gave too much information but I think that it’s interessiting because the bad rules are abundant in our society and I think that ask for a news rules is the limit. This rules should to be not necessary and have to be the society who had to be more respective. 
