diumenge, 26 de febrer del 2017

If a story moves you, act on it

Sisonke Msimang talks about her observation about the story telling, the power of stories and their limitations, particularly the stories interested on social injustice, because stories are everywhere and she considers stories as the antidote bias.
Stories can explain what we are “scare” to talk about, some “tabu” issues that we don’t feel good talking about. She has special interested in not fiction stories, the stories that are more than entertainment and she think that stories don’t necessarily make the world a better place and she presents three reasons to contend this thesis.
  1. Stories can create an illusion solidary, you feel good only listen is insufficient to make a social action.
  2. Every story had a characters and sometimes we don’t like it, this can’t be reason to involve ourselves in a story and social action, this don’t have to influence us.
  3. Media is necessary, credible facts, combined with powerful voices.
In conclusions she say that it’s the justice what that makes the world a better place, not stories. Audience can also help make the world a better place if becomes more curious, if the audience recognize story teller as and intellectual work and finally and on opinion essay the most important is get out of screans and look the real world.

She finish with a quote that I liked so much: “Storytellers can help us to dream, but it’s up to all of us to have a plan for justice”.

Imperial College London made an analysis of the lifespans in 36 industrialised countries.
This analysis described some different results. The first that they predicted was that the difference between men and women will be less since 2030. Traditionally had unhealthier lifestyles and most dangerous, but now this is changing and the difference will be closed.
The analysis also express South Korean women will be the first in the world to have an average life expectancy above 90, and that Japan will lay down the global rankings.
All of this finding represents a challenge for pensions and care for elderly people, because it’s an increase of the third age people.  
Finally they made a prediction and all indicts that in to manty countries the population will increase and progress.

I have chosen this new because on the geography subject we have worked the population and his moves and was a really interesting unit for me. I think that the increase population is one of the big problems of the society. Also I gave chosen this new in a personal way because I don’t know how but I want to work with society and known as good as I can what happens with us is extremely important to know what we need. 
I always have heard that see tv series in a foreign language can help you to improve that language, in my case English,  but when I tried to do it in so many times I’ve always decide to put the Spanish audio.
But this changed when after my cousin perseverance to comment with us game of thrones my sister and I decided to start to view it, was a little difficult because I had always seen this series there are too much blood, death, violence…and I never liked it so much so I never done the intent to start it, because for me was like a effort. Even so my sister and I decided start GOT on summer.
Now being on the fifth lesson I can say that everyone have to see this series, since the first chapter still the last one you are being amazing, and in the  other side maybe I didn’t learnt too much vocabulary but in my point of view I have improved my pronunciation and understanding ability.

Since I started game of thrones I tried to find or start some series to improve my English because I think that heard a language is a really good  way of learning and being in contact with it.   
Resultat d'imatges de game of thrones
Have you ever thought how the most important shops in the world play with us to sale? This is what my research project reflects; this work consists of finding what experiential marketing is and how to play with something like the senses, something that in the deepest part of humans.
I tried to discover which one is the most influential sense and if people really knows about that issue.
Without much money I could implant sensitive marketing in a point of sale, so you can imagine what the most influential brand in the world have done with our feelings wishes and thoughts.