diumenge, 27 de novembre del 2016

The exploding cigar plot to kill the death cuban revolucionary is really known but there are 637 unknowing attacks, and Fidel Catrio survieved all of them it's the natural death what have finished with his life, but what did he do to avoid his death before? 
The CIA worked during years to kill the dictator, as Fidel castro ex guardian said. 
He was a wll knowing of all of this attacks and he said: "If surviving assassination attempts were an Olympic event, I would win the gold medal."
At the moment of President Kennedy death, who worked to vanquish Fidel Castro, a Cia poperative was apparently handing a poision needle to a Cuban agent. 
Also the Us Sentade revealed derails of eight plots on Castro's, they wanted to strain the imagination.
Also one of his ex-lovers had the mission of kill him but she coludn't go throuhgt with him. 
There were also plots to make Castro, also known as "The Beard", an object of ridicule rather than kill him.
One was to sprinkle thallium salt on Castro's shoes during as overseas trip in the hope that his famous beard would fall out. But it was foiled when Castro cancelled the visit. 
This is a really little summerize of the Fidel Casto's death plots, for that he never new where would he sleep every night, he taked all the precautions. 

I think that you have really much the power and the policy to accept that you life is always dangerous also in your house. I can't have friends, you can't love because everyone of them could be an enemic who only wants to kill you, you have to be an obsesed to accept that. 


divendres, 25 de novembre del 2016

Syria war: Army makes rapid gains in rebel-held east Aleppo

Syrian government forces have been making rapid advances into eastern Aleppo, forcing thousands of civilians to flee. They want to divide the rebel-held east of the city to dived the forces. Some peole are trying to escape, and some pepole want to remain in easter aleppo. 

There are a seven-year-old girl who is explaining her story on twitter, how she life the war, on Sunday she said that her house has been bombed.

It's difficulte describe exactly how are the events happenning, but the BBC describes exactly: 

  •  Government forces have pushed into Sakhour neighbourhood, coming within just 500m of creating a corridor through the rebel-held territory
  • Reuters news agency says government troops have taken the district of Holok, while the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights says they have also taken Baadeen
  • Meanwhile, Kurdish-led forces have reportedly taken the Bustan al-Basha neighbourhood, allowing some 2,500 civilians to flee north
The article finish with tho opinion of the BBC's reporter in Siria. 
Map of areas rebel-held and government controlled areas in Aleppo
Personal opinion.
If  have chosen this new it's not for the article, not to know how is the war progressin int territorial terms. If I choose this new it's to talk about what I think the perosnal terms. In my point of view, we have to open the door to the refugees, they are human like us, so they have the same right of us to became happy and have a good life quality and a good eductaion. I think that our society have the bad thinking that all of them are terrorist but, obiously this is not true, I'm sure that all of them have something to do in our society and I?m sure that the majority of them they want to be here to stay forever here, they want to go back to his country, to his home. If someday Spain suffer a war I'd like that the countries will open us they doors. So why we don't do it?

diumenge, 13 de novembre del 2016

Second batxillerat first term it’s finishing, and it’s time to evalue it. I only can say that it’s being the most difficult term that I’ve never have studied because there are too much work, and all the teachers say that it’s normal, we are doing second of batxillerat, they are preapring us to go to the universtity. But at university there aren’t homework, you only do exams and time to time some work, at the university you are independent and this year they only control us, like first eso boys. I understand that they have to be strict  with us, but I prefer a difficult exam insted of do works and things that don’t count to the finally mark.

dissabte, 12 de novembre del 2016

My last travel 
I love travel, know new cities, new cultures, new traditions, I love our world.  Every year if I can I travel once.
This last summer I went to Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina, these two countries never had been my first options, but nowadays I can say that this travel have been one of my favourite places that I have visited.  
First day we arrived from Barcelona in Zagreb and, we booked a car to go to Sarajevo, we spend in there one night; It was a surprise for me that the 80% of Bosnians are Muslims, and who Bosnian it's affected for the war that they suffered from 1991 to 1995. The next morning we went to Mostar, and we also spent one night in there. The third day we went to Split, my favourite city of the travel and one of the  most amazing cities that I have visited, the city center is a roman house and it’s like to be in Roma center but in Croacia, we slept in Split four nights because we toke ferries and visited neightbour islands. 
The sixth day we went to visit Plitsvice a nationak park, an enormous national park, we stayed in there all the morning, and at the afternoon we taked our car and started the last shift of our travel, we started the shift to Zagreb. We arrived in Zagreb at the night an we stayed in there the two last nights. We taked the plane to Barcelona in Zagtreb airport.

dijous, 10 de novembre del 2016

Republican new president Donald Trump victory, in the USA presidential elections, will have implications for the whole global economy.
The latin country could be one of the most affected countries from Donald Trump.
During his meetings he had said that if he cannot renegotiate Nafta he will pull out of the free the North American Free Trad Agreement signed by the husband of Hillary Clinton, his rival in USA elections.
Also he said he would send back to home illegal immigrants living and working in America.
That will suppose a really hard impact in Mexican economy.
New USA’s president has been really clear about his attitude to China. He said that he will consider imposing a 45% tariff on chines imports.
There would be a risk that aggressive US trade policy could suppose a marked slowdown in China’s growth and loss of manufactories jobs.
Europe excluding Britain
The main risk to Europe it’s going to be political rather than economic.
Next year on Germany, France and Netherlands there are elections. And the right political parties are taking to much power.
Trump’s victory will be reflected to European banks.
A broker reacts as President-elect Donald Trump appears on a television screen at the stock market in Frankfurt, Germany.Trump’s protectionist measures will affect Britain also, the second biggest exporter of services in the world.
In the short term, Trump’s win helps take the pressure off the pround.
After that policy there are to way, on is a promising from Beijing to increase direct investment into the USA.
And the other way there is an aggressive and nationalistic attitude from China.
The rest of Asia
Obama created a plan between Trans-pacific countries as a way of keeping countries such as Japan, Brunei, Singapore and Malaysia out of Bejing’s orbit.
But with the new president this plan is shivering, this will result as a slowly growth of Asia exports.
Personal opinion
I haven’t understood yet how can be possible that Donald Trump will be the next president of USA.

He will be the president of one of the most powerful countries in the world; he will be one of the most influent people in the world, and also what he thinks. He is going to return to the past when the most radical political parties are considered the best options.

dimarts, 1 de novembre del 2016

Our society is not a humorous society. We always considered laughter as a secundary thing. But for me laughs has to be a must, an essencial. We have always heared that our objective in life is being happy but can we be happy without laughing, without humor? The answer is no. We can be rich, we can be in love but anyone can be happy without laugh.
I’ve never understood why if someone laughs in a public silent place, that person is viewed as rude if he doesn’t keep himself grounded. And that it’s because society imposes that. We have to change when we wnat to laught to become approved.
Humour has to be accepted because it makes us happy but also helps us to stay emocionally healthy and also mental Health. As well as laughter is strong medicine for mind and body.
Also, we always think that laughing with others is more powerful than laughing alone, but in my opinion that it isn’t true, the really important thing is laugh, and also sometimes it’s funny to start laughing in a place you alone for something that happened before that moment, the best laughters are the laughters which no one understands.

To sum up if our objective is being happy there isn’t any way to get it what dosen’t include laughing. Humor is the base of our hapiness and we always have to confort the things with laughter because in my view it’s the most powerful weapon to confort our fears. 

dissabte, 29 d’octubre del 2016

Humor is infectous, it's more contagious than any cought, sniffe, or sneeze. If laughter is shared increases happiness and intimacy.
We can say that laughter is strong medicine for mind and body, it is a powerful antidote to stress, pain and conflict. Humor lightens your burdens, inspires hopes, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded, focused and alert.
But, why is laughter good for your health?
Because laughter relaxes the whole body, laughter boosts the immune system, trigges the realase of endorphins and finally protects the heart. Also, humor and laughter help you stay emocionally healthy, makes you feel good and helps you keep a positive, optimistic outlook through difficult situations, disappointments, and loss. Laughter has also a link with human health, because laughter dissolves distressing emotions, helps you relax and recharges and shifts perspective. 
Laughing with others is more powerful than laughing alone, keeps your relationships fresh and exciting, and can improve the quality of your love, collegues, familiy and friends realtions. It unites people during difficult times.

But how can we start? there are some ways like similing, smile is beginning of laughter, if you look at someone or something even midly pleasing practice similing. The second way that the text describes to start is making a list of your blessings. Besides, if you don't know what to do move toward a laughter if you hear it. What's more you can spend time with fun, playful pepole and bring humor into conversations. 

dimarts, 18 d’octubre del 2016


Dear teacher, a new year have been started, my last high school year, a special year, the memorable one, but I think that it’s the  hardest year. 
Next year probably I’m going to go to university, and with university a new life will start for me. I don’t know yet what I want to study, so for this year I want to have much better grades, because If I have good marks, I have many options to be accepted in a degree. Now, my options are: Political Science or Publicity, both if it’s possible in Girona, but If I’ll study publicity maybe I want to go to the university Ramon Llull in Barcelona.
Sometimes it’s a little difficult for me not to know what I’m going to do because when I’m so stressed, I think that I’m doing batxillerat without a goal and I lose the motivation. 
As I said my first option it’s going to university but other times I’ve thought about going away, I don’t know: the USA, the UK… to improve my English, because it’s important and I have a bad level, and then when I have decided what I want to do and be, I’ll have a good English level.
Maybe at the end of the year I will tell you how it’s going to be my future. But now, it’s like a mystery. 
 Best wishes, Marta Juncà Garriga

“No one’s written your destiny for you”
I’m totally agreed with this sentence; we are free and only we know what we really want, anyone, only us. And because it’s our future, not our parents’s future, not our teachers’s future, not our friends’s future, only our future, we have to decide for us only for us. We are free and rational people to decide our best option, sometimes we will be wrong, obviously , but we are humans, never be wrong never is impossible. And it’s important that we don’t depend on anyone and be only you, not you and another 

divendres, 14 d’octubre del 2016

Limit to human life may be 115 (ish)
Human life spans may be limited to a maximum of about 115 years, claim US scientists
Life expectancy has been increasing relentlessly since the nineteenth century - due to vaccines, safer childbirth and tackling killers like cancer and heart disease.
But can that go on forever?
The data showed increases in life expectancy were slowing in centenarians and that the maximum age of death had plateaued for at least two decades.
Prof Jan Vijg, one of the researchers from the Albert Einstein College of Medicinesao the BBC News website: "In people over 105 we make very little progress, that tells you we are most likely approaching the limit to human life.
"For the first time in history we've been able to see this, it looks like the maximum life span - this ceiling, this barrier - is about 115.
The crop of centenarians in the study were affected by malnutrition and infectious diseases in their childhood back in the late 19th Century. Remember smallpox was declared eradicated only in 1980.
The 115-year claim is too much for Prof James Vaupel, the director of the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research.
He described the study as a dismal travesty and said scientists had in the past claimed the limit was 65, 85 and 105 only to be proven wrong over and over again.
He said: "In this sorry saga, those convinced that there are looming limits did not apply demography and statistics to test hypotheses about lifespan limits—instead they exploited rhetoric, deficient methods and pretty graphics to attempt to prove their gut feelings.
What happens to our bodies half a century or more later - at ages we have never reached in our evolutionary history - are a side-effect of the instructions in our DNA that are important in youth.
So any attempt to really increase lifespan will need an approach that goes beyond treating diseases and tackles ageing inside every cell of the body.

COP21: Rallies call for Paris climate change action

Last yearHundreds of thousands of people have marched worldwide to demand action to stop climate change but one protest in Paris was marred by violence, I realized now a days of that becaue this year on second batxillerat we are studying geography and that it's our first project, so when I read that new I was really interested. 
More than 2,000 events took place globally on the eve of a UN summit in the French capital.
In Paris, police fired tear gas at a large group of demonstrators gathering in the Place de la Republique.
They were apparently protesting against France's state of emergency, and have been disowned by the main organisers.
President Francois Hollande said it was "scandalous" that the clashes happened "where flowers and candles have been left in memory of those who were killed by the terrorists' bullets".
He added that the clashes had "nothing to do with those who protect the environment".
Nicholas Haeringer, of the campaign group 350.org,  said protests should still be allowed to continue, adding that campaigners would "stand against any attempts by the French authorities to use the incidents this afternoon to unnecessarily clamp down on civil liberties".
Earlier, a human chain was formed by hundreds linking arms in Paris along the 3km (1.9 miles) route of a march that was called off after the 13 November attacks.
A gap in the chain was left in front of the Bataclan concert hall, where 89 people were killed.
Hundreds of pairs of shoes were left on Place de la Republique to remember those left frustrated in their plans to march.
Activists want action to limit the rise in the average global temperature to 2C (3.6F) above pre-industrial levels.


I will talk about our privacy in our social network. In my opinion there is nothing wrong to share our life with the people who we know. But when this becomes our job sometimes can be a little dangerous, because their lives depend on networks, his weight to be more thinner, her face to be more beautiful, his live to be more interesting…..
To show this I’ll talk about Essena O’neill, this girl is a model who had an Instagram profile and she had a lot of followers, but one day she decided to tell her social network the reality of her photos, for example in a photo on the beach she said that to take this photo she didn’t eat during the day to be thinner. She shows that, but the majority of “instagramers” don’t do that because they don’t want to lose followers. So, isn't more important the followers and likes than our lives?   

divendres, 16 de setembre del 2016

Angela lee duckworth. Grit: The power of passion and perseverance

Angela lee duckworth left a good job to being a math teacher, and as a common teacher she made tests, she gave out homework and then she calculated de grades. But she realized that the only difference between her best and worst students wasn’t only the IQ. So she arrived to de conclusion that the really important thing is a much better understanding and learning from a motivational perspective, to prove this she started studying the progress of children in so much different context, and she realized that there was one characteristic emerged. The important thing wasn’t the IQ, it wasn’t good looking, and it wasn’t a good health, the thing really important is the grit, the passion and perseverance for very long-term goals, living a life like a marathon and not as a sprint.

EMERGE: Sortir
GRIT: Determinació

I totally agree with that, in my case I'm studynig second of batxillerat and I haven't known yet what I want to do next year I don't have a goal, and as Angela lee said I don't have grit to study and have a good mark to be what I want, I think that if I had a goal maybe I would have best marks. 

diumenge, 29 de maig del 2016

Summer is coming and like every summer I want to enjoy of this summer a lot. But this summer will be different than others because is the first summer that I’m going to work I’ll work in a summer camp during July and on August I will work in a book shop. But when I won’t be working I want to enjoy a lot, first of all on June 22 I will go with my friends to a camping to spend the first days of summer together.  And on September, I don’t know the dates exactly; I’m going to travel to New York with my family. I think that it’s going to be a really good summer.

My dream is travel to India, I had this dream since I was I child, I always say that If I have to save money during all my like I’ll do it. Why it’s my dream? Well it’s my dream because I think that India it’s one of the most beautiful countries in the world, and because It’s a really different and amazing culture. If I can I will go to India when I finish the college, and I want go with one of my bests friends, Maria. I’ll go to do a volunteer with children or something social, because you see the reality of the country and because when I finish the career I wish do a lot of travels so I have to travel with the less money as possible.

My favourite place in the word I think that it’s at home. My house is the place where I feel most comfortable, where I can be totally me, where it’s not important be correctly, when I can do the thing how I want to do, well and how my mom want. It’s the place where I can pass all my time.
And other place that I love it’s my grandparent’s house ( my father parents) because the house it’s in the Rubina, next to the beach, in the middle of Els Aiguamolls de l’Empordà, it’s a magic place where if you stay there you know that you are alone, you are on de middle of nothing with no more civilization, and really near to the beach, one of the most relaxing places in the universe.  

Last Monday I went to fly on the Windoor of Empuriabrava, I wanted to do that since they opened on 2011 and last month my dad gift me, so my sister, my cousin and I flew into the windoor. Was a really different experience, I was flying, I was free. But It was a think that doesn’t like me I close, there was a limit for my liberty so I want to go to the skydive and do skydiving because that it’s totally fly, and because the landscape of Alt Empordà it’s amazing, I want to see the place from where I come flying without a plane.  

My cousin Clàudia, is one of the most important people for me in the word, I love she like a sister, we spend a lot of time together, because our mothers have a really good relationship, and because we are neighbour, we have a door that communicates our houses, Clàudia, have brothers, but don`t live with she so she spend a lot of time with my sister and I. Clàudia it’s one of my sister bests friends because they born in the same year only with seventeen days of difference. We do a lot of travels together with our parents, we spend a lot of time together on my grandma’s house, we had a lot of good times and unfortunately bad times that we had to live, but with our family we overcame that, and we will over came together the things that the life gave prepare to us.   


My tattoo represents to birds flying, I have this tattoo with my sister because we wanted to do a tattoo together but we didn’t know exactly what to do, and on a TV series that I saw one girl explain meaning of her tattoo and were birds, she said that was because they always are back to home. So my sister and I decide to do the tattoo because they always are back to home, and home represents that we can go so far but we know that If we need help we always have one to the other, and because maybe sometimes we don’t have the same opinions, but we are flying always together, and I think that this tattoo represents all this things.

Donald Trump: Migrants treated better than US military veterans

Illegal immigrants in the US often get better care than the nation's military veterans, Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has said.
"We're not going to allow that to happen any longer," he told a bikers' rally in Washington DC.
Mr Trump did not provide any evidence for his assertion.
Last year, the billionaire sparked anger by attacking the military record of Senator John McCain, a former prisoner of war.
Mr Trump said Sen McCain was only considered a hero because he was a prisoner of war during the Vietnam War.
He then added: "I like people who weren't captured."
Since then Mr Trump, who never served in the military, has tried to repair the damage by frequently honouring veterans at his rallies and holding fundraising events for them.
His latest comments came at the annual Rolling Thunder motorcycle rally on Sunday, which was dedicated to remembering POWs and those missing in action.
Despite previous criticism, many in the crowd cheered Mr Trump.
"What I like about Trump is that he is one of us. He's not a politician," 52-year-old Louis Naymik was quoted as saying by the Associated Press news agency.
Mr Trump - who has made controversial comments on a number of issues - was speaking ahead of the 7 June California primary.
He is running unopposed in California after his Republican rivals pulled out and he reached the number of delegates needed to secure the nomination. It has yet to be formalised.
The Associated Press says Congress and many states have written an assortment of laws and policies designed to restrict government services to people in the 

I don't do summarize of the new because I think that every word it's important. Donald Trump it's one of the candidates to being the new president of USA. He is a rich man, who is really radical with the immigrants concretely with the musulmans, but he is an immigrant his parents aren`t North Americans. The problem is that he has a lot of people who recolze his opinions. This situation doesn't happens only in USA , in Europe are radicals political groups which slowly are winning power, this have to stop because we don't know how can finish that. The religion, the colour and the opinions of every habitant of the world cannot be a problem.

Apple fights call to block Facetime and iMessage

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A patent-licensing firm is seeking to force Apple to suspend its Facetime and iMessage services claiming it has suffered "irreparable harm" as a result of the tech giant's actions.
The Texas-based firm is now seeking further damages and says Apple should be blocked from using its technologies to power its video and text chat apps.
Apple is contesting the case.
It wants the court to disregard the verdict because the US Patent and Trademark Office has invalidated VirnetX's claim to the inventions - but such action by the USPTO is being challenged in a separate case before the Supreme Court.
Apple has argued that its customers would be harmed if it were forced to stop offering Facetime and iMessage to iPhone, iPad and Mac owners.
But VirnetX claims the step is warranted as its own secure messaging and video conferencing app - Gabriel Collaboration Suite - is suffering as a consequence.
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"Apple is very happy to use technology owned by other parties and just wait to be sued once they have pocketed the profits," one of VirnetX's UK-based shareholders - who asked not to be named - told the BBC.
Apple declined to comment.

Olympiakos footballer Alan Pulido kidnapped in Mexico

Mexican footballer Alan Pulido has been kidnapped in the northern border state of Tamaulipas, officials say.
The 25-year-old striker was reportedly kidnapped on Sunday near his home in Ciudad Victoria after leaving a party.
He plays for the Greek team Olympiakos and has made several appearances for Mexico's national team.
Mexico has the one of the world's highest kidnapping rates, with government figures saying some 1,000 people are taken every year.
Others argue that the true figure could be almost ten times as high.
Six masked men reportedly took the striker away "by force" while his girlfriend was left unharmed in the car park where the incident took place.

diumenge, 20 de març del 2016


The crisis is a habitual problem in the time when we live. The people are without work, they do not pay at the end of month, have obligations.... This problem is very hard and very serious for the society where we live because today the people would like to have everything but now isn’t possible this because we go short of money and have sufficient work to come at the end of month.
But I don’t think that there is so many crisis as they say because if you go on Saturday evening to anyone center of a city is full of people who is buying of shop in shop, if you go to a travel agency is full of people who wants go to holidays, there are people who buys a new car, a new mobile....

Probably yes there are a part of the population who is in crisis really and who needs help but there is a good part of people who is living similar than before the crisis. The part of the population that is in crisis are the majority immigrants and I think that they are very well helped for the part of the State and the villages associations  because they help and give food, clothes or other necessary things for living.


Barack Obama in Cuba at start of historic visit
President Barack Obama has arrived in Cuba for a historic visit to the island and talks with its communist leader.
He is the first sitting US president to visit since the 1959 revolution, which heralded decades of hostility.

Mr Obama  will meet President Raul Castro, but not retired revolutionary leader Fidel Castro, and the pair will discuss trade and political reform.
The US president emerged smiling from Air Force One with First Lady Michelle and their daughters Sasha and Malia.

President Obama's visit is the highpoint of a recent easing of ties, which included the opening of embassies last year.
But only hours before his arrival, protesters calling for the release of political prisoners were arrested in the capital, Havana.

Police took away dozens of demonstrators from the Ladies in White group, formed of political prisoners' wives, from outside a church where they attempt to hold weekly protests.

Now students have to be shown how to use the toilets: Top university puts up bizarre warning signs in campus loos after complaints about 'awful' mess 
Their students may be among some of the brightest in the country.
But that hasn't stopped the University of Sheffield from telling their scholars how to use the toilet.
Cards explain basic toilet techniques, such as: 'Do not put toilet paper on the floor' and 'put toilet paper in the toilet bowl and flush' (above)
The signs explain basic toilet techniques, such as: 'Do not put toilet paper on the floor' and 'put toilet paper in the toilet bowl and flush.'
Some also demonstrate the rules through graphics.

The post received hundreds of responses and the seriousness of the signs was questioned by disbelieving students.
One person commented: 'Please tell me this was made by a student as a joke.' 

Another source explained the reasoning behind the cards. 

'These cards are clearly designed for international students. But they're all over campus - and it's raising quite a few laughs.'
The University of Sheffield declined to comment.  

He's completely lost his head! Photographer captures perfectly timed shot of fish eagle just as it looks backwards

The bird of prey was merely the subject of a perfectly timed photograph captured in Chobe, Botswana.
What you looking at? The photographer said the eagle was attempting to call another bird when its head disappeared from viewThe picture appears to show the fish eagle has been decapitated while sitting on a branch next to a friend.

But according to Mark Drysdale, who took the one-of-a-kind photograph, the bird threw its head back theatrically just as he pressed the camera shutter.
The 55-year-old photographer said the eagle was attempting to call another bird behind him at that very moment and its head completely disappeared from view.

This resulted in one very peculiar photograph capturing the abilities of the flexible bird.
Mark, from Johannesburg, South Africa, said: 'I was on a photographic tour taking pictures of the fish eagle when it threw its head back to call.
'I just happened to capture a photo at that precise moment.'