divendres, 25 de novembre del 2016

Syria war: Army makes rapid gains in rebel-held east Aleppo

Syrian government forces have been making rapid advances into eastern Aleppo, forcing thousands of civilians to flee. They want to divide the rebel-held east of the city to dived the forces. Some peole are trying to escape, and some pepole want to remain in easter aleppo. 

There are a seven-year-old girl who is explaining her story on twitter, how she life the war, on Sunday she said that her house has been bombed.

It's difficulte describe exactly how are the events happenning, but the BBC describes exactly: 

  •  Government forces have pushed into Sakhour neighbourhood, coming within just 500m of creating a corridor through the rebel-held territory
  • Reuters news agency says government troops have taken the district of Holok, while the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights says they have also taken Baadeen
  • Meanwhile, Kurdish-led forces have reportedly taken the Bustan al-Basha neighbourhood, allowing some 2,500 civilians to flee north
The article finish with tho opinion of the BBC's reporter in Siria. 
Map of areas rebel-held and government controlled areas in Aleppo
Personal opinion.
If  have chosen this new it's not for the article, not to know how is the war progressin int territorial terms. If I choose this new it's to talk about what I think the perosnal terms. In my point of view, we have to open the door to the refugees, they are human like us, so they have the same right of us to became happy and have a good life quality and a good eductaion. I think that our society have the bad thinking that all of them are terrorist but, obiously this is not true, I'm sure that all of them have something to do in our society and I?m sure that the majority of them they want to be here to stay forever here, they want to go back to his country, to his home. If someday Spain suffer a war I'd like that the countries will open us they doors. So why we don't do it?

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