Scenario: Hawaii. Three women introducing each
other and explaining where they come from...
Characters: Naisha, Maria, Aylena, coach.
Coach: Aloha! Welcom to Hawaii, I’m John and
I’ll be your coach during the next two months. You’ll live together, would be
nice if you know something else about you. So who begins?
Naisha: Okay I’m start! My name is Naisha and
in indian means special, as you can imagine I’m from India and I live in Delhi.
Maria: Hola! My name is Maria and I’m from
Olot, Catalunya not Spain please. And I don’t knom my name’s meaning, but I
think it’s for virgin Mary.
Aylena: привет! I'm Aylena and I'm from Russian, my name means loto flower and that it's
why I have this tattoo.
I have to say that it's amazing how hot is Hawaii compared to Russia.
Coach: Come on girls! Something else...
Maria: Well..I'm studing performance arts and I'm here to improve my english because if
in the future I need to go out from Catalunya to work, America it's my favourite destination. I have to tell you that every day I need to recited Shakespeare perform.
Naisha: Well...I'm teacher. I love travel and I decide to do a gap year and travel around
the world.
Aylena: I'm studying to be a doctor and I come to Hawaii to improve my english.
Coach: Now that you have known your house matters here start your adventure enjoy a lot.