dissabte, 29 d’octubre del 2016

Humor is infectous, it's more contagious than any cought, sniffe, or sneeze. If laughter is shared increases happiness and intimacy.
We can say that laughter is strong medicine for mind and body, it is a powerful antidote to stress, pain and conflict. Humor lightens your burdens, inspires hopes, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded, focused and alert.
But, why is laughter good for your health?
Because laughter relaxes the whole body, laughter boosts the immune system, trigges the realase of endorphins and finally protects the heart. Also, humor and laughter help you stay emocionally healthy, makes you feel good and helps you keep a positive, optimistic outlook through difficult situations, disappointments, and loss. Laughter has also a link with human health, because laughter dissolves distressing emotions, helps you relax and recharges and shifts perspective. 
Laughing with others is more powerful than laughing alone, keeps your relationships fresh and exciting, and can improve the quality of your love, collegues, familiy and friends realtions. It unites people during difficult times.

But how can we start? there are some ways like similing, smile is beginning of laughter, if you look at someone or something even midly pleasing practice similing. The second way that the text describes to start is making a list of your blessings. Besides, if you don't know what to do move toward a laughter if you hear it. What's more you can spend time with fun, playful pepole and bring humor into conversations. 

dimarts, 18 d’octubre del 2016


Dear teacher, a new year have been started, my last high school year, a special year, the memorable one, but I think that it’s the  hardest year. 
Next year probably I’m going to go to university, and with university a new life will start for me. I don’t know yet what I want to study, so for this year I want to have much better grades, because If I have good marks, I have many options to be accepted in a degree. Now, my options are: Political Science or Publicity, both if it’s possible in Girona, but If I’ll study publicity maybe I want to go to the university Ramon Llull in Barcelona.
Sometimes it’s a little difficult for me not to know what I’m going to do because when I’m so stressed, I think that I’m doing batxillerat without a goal and I lose the motivation. 
As I said my first option it’s going to university but other times I’ve thought about going away, I don’t know: the USA, the UK… to improve my English, because it’s important and I have a bad level, and then when I have decided what I want to do and be, I’ll have a good English level.
Maybe at the end of the year I will tell you how it’s going to be my future. But now, it’s like a mystery. 
 Best wishes, Marta Juncà Garriga

“No one’s written your destiny for you”
I’m totally agreed with this sentence; we are free and only we know what we really want, anyone, only us. And because it’s our future, not our parents’s future, not our teachers’s future, not our friends’s future, only our future, we have to decide for us only for us. We are free and rational people to decide our best option, sometimes we will be wrong, obviously , but we are humans, never be wrong never is impossible. And it’s important that we don’t depend on anyone and be only you, not you and another 

divendres, 14 d’octubre del 2016

Limit to human life may be 115 (ish)
Human life spans may be limited to a maximum of about 115 years, claim US scientists
Life expectancy has been increasing relentlessly since the nineteenth century - due to vaccines, safer childbirth and tackling killers like cancer and heart disease.
But can that go on forever?
The data showed increases in life expectancy were slowing in centenarians and that the maximum age of death had plateaued for at least two decades.
Prof Jan Vijg, one of the researchers from the Albert Einstein College of Medicinesao the BBC News website: "In people over 105 we make very little progress, that tells you we are most likely approaching the limit to human life.
"For the first time in history we've been able to see this, it looks like the maximum life span - this ceiling, this barrier - is about 115.
The crop of centenarians in the study were affected by malnutrition and infectious diseases in their childhood back in the late 19th Century. Remember smallpox was declared eradicated only in 1980.
The 115-year claim is too much for Prof James Vaupel, the director of the Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research.
He described the study as a dismal travesty and said scientists had in the past claimed the limit was 65, 85 and 105 only to be proven wrong over and over again.
He said: "In this sorry saga, those convinced that there are looming limits did not apply demography and statistics to test hypotheses about lifespan limits—instead they exploited rhetoric, deficient methods and pretty graphics to attempt to prove their gut feelings.
What happens to our bodies half a century or more later - at ages we have never reached in our evolutionary history - are a side-effect of the instructions in our DNA that are important in youth.
So any attempt to really increase lifespan will need an approach that goes beyond treating diseases and tackles ageing inside every cell of the body.

COP21: Rallies call for Paris climate change action

Last yearHundreds of thousands of people have marched worldwide to demand action to stop climate change but one protest in Paris was marred by violence, I realized now a days of that becaue this year on second batxillerat we are studying geography and that it's our first project, so when I read that new I was really interested. 
More than 2,000 events took place globally on the eve of a UN summit in the French capital.
In Paris, police fired tear gas at a large group of demonstrators gathering in the Place de la Republique.
They were apparently protesting against France's state of emergency, and have been disowned by the main organisers.
President Francois Hollande said it was "scandalous" that the clashes happened "where flowers and candles have been left in memory of those who were killed by the terrorists' bullets".
He added that the clashes had "nothing to do with those who protect the environment".
Nicholas Haeringer, of the campaign group 350.org,  said protests should still be allowed to continue, adding that campaigners would "stand against any attempts by the French authorities to use the incidents this afternoon to unnecessarily clamp down on civil liberties".
Earlier, a human chain was formed by hundreds linking arms in Paris along the 3km (1.9 miles) route of a march that was called off after the 13 November attacks.
A gap in the chain was left in front of the Bataclan concert hall, where 89 people were killed.
Hundreds of pairs of shoes were left on Place de la Republique to remember those left frustrated in their plans to march.
Activists want action to limit the rise in the average global temperature to 2C (3.6F) above pre-industrial levels.


I will talk about our privacy in our social network. In my opinion there is nothing wrong to share our life with the people who we know. But when this becomes our job sometimes can be a little dangerous, because their lives depend on networks, his weight to be more thinner, her face to be more beautiful, his live to be more interesting…..
To show this I’ll talk about Essena O’neill, this girl is a model who had an Instagram profile and she had a lot of followers, but one day she decided to tell her social network the reality of her photos, for example in a photo on the beach she said that to take this photo she didn’t eat during the day to be thinner. She shows that, but the majority of “instagramers” don’t do that because they don’t want to lose followers. So, isn't more important the followers and likes than our lives?