dilluns, 23 de novembre del 2015



I will talk about our homework and the exams because it’s really crazy the work what we have, to have more homework we don’t learn more because the thing that teachers reach is that we bored the things that we learn because one exercise is okay to practise but it isn’t necessary do all the exercises of a book and sometimes if you don’t do the homework you lose points of your final mark. I also think that do work at home on Batxillerat can be optional because two years later we will go to the university and at the university there aren’t homeworks you have to organize your work and when we arrive we didn’t know how do that. 


This is an experiment of labority hours and is to show to society the hours that students spend doing homeworks and how that play down his free time.


On this post I will talk about our exams. If I said that we don’t need homework I think more or less with the exams. I don’t think that we don’t need exams because teachers need them to evaluate us, but I think that exams shouldn’t be the majority part of our term work because normally we only study for the exam and a week later we don’t remember nothing. Obviously that is our problem because we should study every day…. But we can’t. Every week more or less I have exams and the last week of the term we have exams every day so when we can study if we don’t have time? I think the problem is that teachers only think on his subject and they don’t think that we have more subjects.


On November thirteen of this year six attacks invaded Paris. But this attacks only happens in Paris? No, but Paris is an important occidental city so it’s important what happens. The same day also there are two attacks in Beirut on October 10 there are 128 deaths and I don’t know this notice and the majority of the society because they are less important, they don’t speak with our language and they don’t have our religion. They are persons to and I hate this society that the important things only happens on occidental society and if that things happen in a rich city.


Catalonia independence become a diary debate from 2011 when a lot of people when to Barcelona to manifest his opinion about the freedom for Catalonia. The people who want the independence reclaim go out from Spain because they don’t do anything that benefice Catalonia. For example Catalonia is the autonomy community what pay more; another important thing is that Spain government want to eliminate Catalan from the schools and that if you are Catalan and you love your language is a principal motive of this revolution. Last September 27 there are elections and the supporters for Catalonia freedom won but they can’t be on the powder because and other party election don’t accept the president. On my opinion I don’t like this president but If us don’t are agree we never get our objective. 


In our country shows are all the day on TV the people who is showing every day his lives inside a house, on a island, finding his “true love”… These things are all the day on the TV, people leaving on the floor the culture of this country. They are all the day arguing and shooting for stupid things and they don’t care his dignity. But if this society give to him this good receive it’s normal that this things are all the day on TV. 

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