diumenge, 29 de novembre del 2015
dimarts, 24 de novembre del 2015
The vow is my favourite romanitic film, I saw this film two years ago and I love it.
The vow is my favourite romanitic film, I saw this film two years ago and I love it.
The vow is the history of a wife and a husband who one day suffred an accident, the man didn't have any hurt but the woman losed her memory, she only remember her familly, old friends and her past boyfriend. She didn't remember her husband and her actually friends. So the man help his love to restore her memory. At the begginig the woman didin't accept her life because she didn't remember it, but with the time she returns to the love and accept and love her really life, the life that she will rember and not the life thamt her family want she'll live.
I love The vow because the I like the players of the movie, I had seen them at other movies the notebook and dear John.
I love The vow because the I like the players of the movie, I had seen them at other movies the notebook and dear John.
dilluns, 23 de novembre del 2015
I will talk about our homework and the exams because it’s really crazy the work what we have, to have more homework we don’t learn more because the thing that teachers reach is that we bored the things that we learn because one exercise is okay to practise but it isn’t necessary do all the exercises of a book and sometimes if you don’t do the homework you lose points of your final mark. I also think that do work at home on Batxillerat can be optional because two years later we will go to the university and at the university there aren’t homeworks you have to organize your work and when we arrive we didn’t know how do that.
This is an experiment of labority hours and is to show to society the hours that students spend doing homeworks and how that play down his free time.
On this post I will talk about our exams. If I said
that we don’t need homework I think more or less with the exams. I don’t think
that we don’t need exams because teachers need them to evaluate us, but I think
that exams shouldn’t be the majority part of our term work because normally we
only study for the exam and a week later we don’t remember nothing. Obviously
that is our problem because we should study every day…. But we can’t. Every week
more or less I have exams and the last week of the term we have exams every day
so when we can study if we don’t have time? I think the problem is that
teachers only think on his subject and they don’t think that we have more
On November thirteen of this year six attacks
invaded Paris. But this attacks only happens in Paris? No, but Paris is an
important occidental city so it’s important what happens. The same day also
there are two attacks in Beirut on October 10 there are 128 deaths and I don’t
know this notice and the majority of the society because they are less
important, they don’t speak with our language and they don’t have our religion.
They are persons to and I hate this society that the important things only
happens on occidental society and if that things happen in a rich city.
Catalonia independence become a diary debate
from 2011 when a lot of people when to Barcelona to manifest his opinion about
the freedom for Catalonia. The people who want the independence reclaim go out
from Spain because they don’t do anything that benefice Catalonia. For example
Catalonia is the autonomy community what pay more; another important thing is
that Spain government want to eliminate Catalan from the schools and that if
you are Catalan and you love your language is a principal motive of this
revolution. Last September 27 there are elections and the supporters for
Catalonia freedom won but they can’t be on the powder because and other party
election don’t accept the president. On my opinion I don’t like this president
but If us don’t are agree we never get our objective.
In our country shows are all the day on TV the
people who is showing every day his lives inside a house, on a island, finding
his “true love”… These things are all the day on the TV, people leaving on the
floor the culture of this country. They are all the day arguing and shooting
for stupid things and they don’t care his dignity. But if this society give to
him this good receive it’s normal that this things are all the day on TV.
dijous, 22 d’octubre del 2015
The Carnival of Venice is
an annual festival, held in Venice, Italy. The Carnival ends with the Christian celebration of Lent, forty
days before Easter on Shrove Tuesday , the day before Ash Wednesday. The festival is world-famed for its elaborate masks.

Carnivals Masks
Masks have
always been an important feature of the Venetian carnival. Traditionally people
were allowed to wear them between the festival of Santo Stefano and
the start of the carnival season at midnight of Shrove
Tuesday. As masks were also allowed on Ascension and from October 5 to Christmas,
people could spend a large portion of the year in disguise. Maskmakers enjoyed
a special position in society, with their own laws and their own guild.
This song talk about a boy who say to a girl she can’t stop him now because he is on party and the party it is going well he say that he is going to be on ecstasy. He compares himself with different hotter things for example he compares himself with a rocket going to Mars.Tonight I'm gonna have myself a real good time
I feel alive and the world turning inside out Yeah!
And floating around in ecstasy
So don't stop me now don't stop me
'Cause I'm having a good time having a good time
I'm a shooting star leaping through the sky
Like a tiger defying the laws of gravity
I'm a racing car passing by like Lady Godiva
I'm gonna go go go
There's no stopping me
I'm burning through the sky Yeah!
Two hundred degrees
That's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit
I'm trav'ling at the speed of light
I wanna make a supersonic man out of you
Don't stop me now I'm having such a good time
I'm having a ball don't stop me now
If you wanna have a good time just give me a call
Don't stop me now ('cause I'm havin' a good time)
Don't stop me now (yes I'm havin' a good time)
I don't want to stop at all
I'm a rocket ship on my way to Mars
On a collision course
I am a satellite I'm out of control
I am a sex machine ready to reload
Like an atom bomb about to
Oh oh oh oh oh explode
I'm burning through the sky Yeah!
Two hundred degrees
That's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit
I'm trav'ling at the speed of light
I wanna make a supersonic woman of you
Don't stop me don't stop me
Don't stop me hey hey hey!
Don't stop me don't stop me ooh ooh ooh (I like it)
Don't stop me don't stop me
Have a good time good time
Don't stop me don't stop me Ah
I'm burning through the sky Yeah!
Two hundred degrees
That's why they call me Mister Fahrenheit
I'm trav'ling at the speed of light
I wanna make a supersonic man out of you
Don't stop me now I'm having such a good time
I'm having a ball don't stop me now
If you wanna have a good time just give me a call
Don't stop me now ('cause I'm havin' a good time)
Don't stop me now (yes I'm havin' a good time)
I don't want to stop at all
dimecres, 23 de setembre del 2015
High school have started and my blog return. My first post is a email for my teacher Anna
Dear Anna.
Hello Anna, I’m Marta and I’m going to talk a
little of me. I’m fifteen and I live in Castelló d’Empúries. I play
basketball with the team Club Bàsquet Castelló and my teamaters are the best, I
think we are more than a team, we are a family. I started play basketball when
I was nine years old and I love it. Basketball is my favourite hobby but I have
some more, I love dance, walk on the mountains with my dad and I love go out
partying, but this isn’t a hobby. On a future I want to study for to be a
teacher of primary for that reason I chose this batxillerat
dijous, 19 de març del 2015
Romeo arrived next to Juliet and he doesn't stop crying. He tells she all about his feelings, but she is sleeping, finally Romeo decides drink the possion and then when he catchs the bottle Juliet gets up and she stops her love. He is really sorpised and both decide scape from Verona to anywhere so, they get on de car and Romeo drives to Spain.
Ten years latter they return to Verona and they visit theirs faimilies because they have two children. Their families are really really happies and finally de Capulet's and Montague's are good friends.

Ten years latter they return to Verona and they visit theirs faimilies because they have two children. Their families are really really happies and finally de Capulet's and Montague's are good friends.
I would like to go to Australia and visit a lot of parts of them. But in concretly the Kakadu National Park because I think is really nice and In would like to go to Australia because one year ago a made a a work about Australia and after this I love this countrey.
The Kakdu National Park is the unique archaeological and ethnological reserve, located in the Northern Territory, has been inhabited continuously for more than 40,000 years. The cave paintings, rock carvings and archaeological sites record the skills and way of life of the region’s inhabitants, from the hunter-gatherers of prehistoric times to the Aboriginal people still living there. It is a unique example of a complex of ecosystems, including tidal flats, floodplains, lowlands and plateaux, and provides a habitat for a wide range of rare or endemic species of plants and animals.
dimecres, 18 de març del 2015
At the picture we can see a lot of pepole who wears a T-shirt or yellow or red for do the catalan flag, we can see on the left some flats of Barcelona and we see too a part of a big catalan flag on the right. Next to the human flag we see some trees. I love this image because is really impresionant.
This photo is a photo of one of my favourites movies, in this image we can see a father and his son, they are prisioners because they are jews and in that moment the nazis found them. This is the moment of the movie when the father hided her son on a metalic box because the nazis are searched the jews because the war was finished and they had to kill all the jews. Finally the father die but the son get to state with his mother.
dilluns, 9 de març del 2015
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