Romeo arrived next to Juliet and he doesn't stop crying. He tells she all about his feelings, but she is sleeping, finally Romeo decides drink the possion and then when he catchs the bottle Juliet gets up and she stops her love. He is really sorpised and both decide scape from Verona to anywhere so, they get on de car and Romeo drives to Spain.
Ten years latter they return to Verona and they visit theirs faimilies because they have two children. Their families are really really happies and finally de Capulet's and Montague's are good friends.
I would like to go to Australia and visit a lot of parts of them. But in concretly the Kakadu National Park because I think is really nice and In would like to go to Australia because one year ago a made a a work about Australia and after this I love this countrey.
The Kakdu National Park is the unique archaeological and ethnological reserve, located in the Northern Territory, has been inhabited continuously for more than 40,000 years. The cave paintings, rock carvings and archaeological sites record the skills and way of life of the region’s inhabitants, from the hunter-gatherers of prehistoric times to the Aboriginal people still living there. It is a unique example of a complex of ecosystems, including tidal flats, floodplains, lowlands and plateaux, and provides a habitat for a wide range of rare or endemic species of plants and animals.
I'm going to discribe this image because I think is really amaizing, this picture was the last 11 of september when some catalans claimed the freedom for catalonia, and they did a big V in Barcelona, but at the photo we only can see a part of them.
At the picture we can see a lot of pepole who wears a T-shirt or yellow or red for do the catalan flag, we can see on the left some flats of Barcelona and we see too a part of a big catalan flag on the right. Next to the human flag we see some trees. I love this image because is really impresionant.
This photo is a photo of one of my favourites movies, in this image we can see a father and his son, they are prisioners because they are jews and in that moment the nazis found them. This is the moment of the movie when the father hided her son on a metalic box because the nazis are searched the jews because the war was finished and they had to kill all the jews. Finally the father die but the son get to state with his mother.